Online Master of Arts
Sports Journalism



Graduate in 1.5年




No Application Fee
or GRE/GMAT Required


Today’s sports journalists need to not only be skilled in traditional news reporting but also in a wide variety of digital competencies, 包括社交媒体讲故事, 播客, 以及在这个快节奏的环境中竞争的移动体验, 24/7 environment. 球迷和非球迷都在关注, 随着体育解决了塑造更大的身份和平等对话的话题.

在圣. 博纳旺图尔大学(SBU)体育全球网赌十大网站学在线文学硕士, 你将学习成为一名现代体育记者所需的所有技能. Our sports journalism master’s degree was built leveraging the insights from our successful journalism alums, who hold top positions at ESPN, New York Post, 《全球网赌十大网站》, and other major media sources, 确保你能学到在这个领域取得成功的所有关键技能.


  • 解释体育、种族/民族、性别和记者角色的细微差别
  • Follow the best practices of journalistic excellence and ethics to vigorously apply these standards to new forms of media in pursuit of truth, 精度, 公平, and 多样性
  • 展示创业方法,展望体育媒体未来的商业模式
  • 展示具有文化竞争力的面试技巧
  • 制作播客和数字采访
  • Gain hands-on experience by covering events on the sidelines or from the press row with other members of the media
  • 开发,研究和执行一个主要的体育全球网赌十大网站项目


View 课程 Highlights


JMC500 Sports Journalism Today

本课程是体育全球网赌十大网站学的基础课程. Students will contextualize the role of sports journalism in our rapidly changing society and media landscape. There will be a focus on how diverse audiences interact with sports and how sports journalists cover issues of race, 种族, 性别, 性别 identity, 性行为不端和其他当代问题. 该课程还涵盖了影响行业变化的力量以及灵活性, 敏捷性和适应性对于体育记者来说是至关重要的,也为他们开辟了许多职业发展的可能性.

JMC560 Journalism Ethics

This course will examine the ethical issues journalists face doing their job and how that comports with the highest ideals of the profession. The intersection of ethics and law and major principles of media law will be discussed including prior restraint, privacy, libel and copyright. 记者如何使用公共记录也是一个焦点.

JMC601 Sports Reporting

这是一门关于报道体育赛事和问题的实践性课程. 将重点放在开发资源上, pitching stories, interviewing athletes, 和媒体关系人员一起工作. 学生们应该熟练地报道数字体育全球网赌十大网站.

JMC605 Business of Sports Media

本课程将提供体育媒体作为一门商业的深入研究. 主题包括媒体业务, 体育商业,以及这些如何体现和影响体育媒体和全球网赌十大网站. Sports analytics, entrepreneurship, organization culture, 还讨论了合同和自由职业.

JMC606 Art of the Sports Interview

本课程着重于体育领域的深度采访. 学生将进行彻底的全球网赌十大网站研究, develop interviewing skills for news and features and will present their work in 播客 and other digital platforms.