St. Bonaventure University

Student Research

SBU的心理学系致力于将心理学作为一门行为科学. 我们积极的研究计划旨在为您提供独立或与教师合作进行研究的机会. St. Bonaventure心理学学院有广泛的研究专业,包括动物行为, health, learning and memory, sexuality, sports and well-being, and others.


Recent conference presentations by students

Presentations are ordered by year. The students' names are boldfaced.

  • Valeri, R. M. & Walter, T. (2019, November). Hate Homicide: A Twenty Year Follow-Up. 美国犯罪学学会年会上发表的论文,旧金山,加州.
  • Valeri, R. M. & Gier, S. (2018, November). In their own words: ISIS’s View of Women. 在美国犯罪学学会年会上发表的论文,亚特兰大,佐治亚州.
  • Valeri, R. M., Ward, C., & Kowalik, D., (2018, April). Assessing the Human Threat to Members of the Fire Service. Paper presented at the NY State Intelligence Liaison Officer Conference, Utica, NY.
  • Vaccaro, D., Antonocci, N., Sweazy, N., & Privitera, G. J. ( 2018, March) Major league obesity: Are Americans eating their way to victory? Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Santori, M. M., Mortier, D., & Privitera, G. J. (2018, March) 健康的未来:评估医学预科生和非医学预科生在医疗保健方面的差异. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Rajagopal, K., Desai, N. B., & Privitera, G. J. (2018, March) Desirability to eat augments positive mood for those with mild/moderate depression. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Starke, K., Bilger, A., Welling, D., & Privitera, G. J. (2018, March) The relationship between literacy of emotion on emotional responsiveness to comfort foods. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Jennings, A. & Privitera, G. J. (2018, March) 精神提升:精神在整个BDI范围内减轻抑郁症的临床症状. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Didas, C., Miller, E., & Privitera, G. J. (2018, March) 奖励时间对6 - 12岁女孩情绪和运动自我效能的影响. Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY .
  • Furgal, E., Gier, S., & Valeri, R.M. (2017, November). The state of the Islamic State: From physical world to virtual reality. 在宾夕法尼亚州费城举行的美国犯罪学学会年会上发表的海报.
  • Valeri, R. M., Borgeson, K., Reyes, J., & Symons, C. (2017, November). Lifting the veil: Religiously motivated hate crimes against veiled women. 在宾夕法尼亚州费城举行的美国犯罪学学会年会上发表的海报. 
  • Basile, S., & Valeri, R. M. (2017, May). Big five personality traits and text messaging. 在马萨诸塞州波士顿心理科学协会年会上展示的海报. 
  • Valeri, R. M., Reyes, J., & Symons, C. (2017, May). Examining attitudes toward religious motivated hate crimes against women. 在马萨诸塞州波士顿心理科学协会年会上展示的海报.
  • Conley, M., King-Shepard, Q., Henry, S., & Kaminske, A., (2017, March). Effects of Animacy in Survival Processing. Poster presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York City, NY.
  • Sweazy, N., Tejada, G., & Welling, D. (2016, November) 想象和创造“安慰食物”的视觉形象,会对抑郁症患者的情绪产生积极影响. Presented at the 17th annual Penn-York Undergraduate Research Conference, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, NY. Advisor: Privitera, G. J.
  • Angelo, S., Borgeson, K., & Valeri, R. (2016, June). A content analysis of Al-Qaeda propaganda via the internet. Poster presented at the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Studies, Bristol, RI.
  • Russell, R., Furgal, E., & Valeri, R. (2016, June). 圣战越简单越好:ISIS如何利用达比克煽动本土恐怖袭击,以及这给执法部门带来的问题. Poster presented at the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Studies, Bristol, RI.
  • Sweazy, N. & Valeri, R. (2016, June). A content analysis of skinhead websites for identity, racist statements, violence, and current activity. North East Association of Criminal Justice Studies, Bristol, RI.
  • Boag, A. J., & Privitera, G. J.(2016, May) 对安慰食物香气的积极情绪反应因性别和抑郁程度而异. 发表于第28届心理科学协会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • Tejada, G., King-Shepard, Q. W., Cuifolo, K. N., & Privitera, G. J. ( 2016, May) 观看“安慰食物”的食物图片会对抑郁症患者的情绪产生积极影响. 发表于第28届心理科学协会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • Broadbent, A., Cuifolo, K. N., King-Shepard, Q. W., Sweazy, N., Welling, D., & Privitera, G. J. (2016, May) 想象和创造“安慰食物”的视觉形象,会对抑郁症患者的情绪产生积极影响. 发表于第28届心理科学协会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • King-Shepard, Q., Kaminske, A., & Conley, M., (2016, March). Effects of Animacy in Survival Processing. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
  • Byrne, G. & Kaminske, A. (2016, March). Effects of Curation on Content Learning. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
  • Russo, C. & Bauernschmidt, A. (2016, March). Student’s Metacognitive Awareness of Exercise and Cognition. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
  • King-Shepard, Q. W., Cuifolo, K. N., & Privitera, G. J. (2016, March) Depression and BMI levels influence intake in a buffet following a mood manipulation. Presented as a paper at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, NY.
  • Byrne, G., Winterburn, K., & Valeri, R. (2016, March). College students’ attitudes toward tattooed male models representing their university. Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.
  • Parks, T. W., Yalamanchili, M., & Kaminske, A. (2015, March). The Effects of Pressure on Retrieval Practice: Using Leaderboards to Induce Pressure. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA. 
  • Mooradian, A. J., Parks, T. W., & Kaminske, A. (2015, March). How Does Pressure Affect Retrieval Practice? Poster presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Byrne, G., Winterburn, K., & Valeri, R. (2015, March). College students’ attitudes toward tattooed female models representing their university. 在费城东部心理协会会议上展示的海报.
  • Fearing, C., Cornelius, B., Roemer, A., & Valeri, R. (2015, March). Promotion of edible insect eating through norm manipulation and modeling. 在费城东部心理协会会议上展示的海报.
  • Russo, C. & Valeri, R. (2015, March). Can closeness established experimentally impact friendship development and homesickness? 在费城东部心理协会会议上展示的海报.

Recent student publications

Publications are ordered by year. The students' names are boldfaced.

  • Privitera, G. J., King-Shepard, Q. W., Cuifolo, K. N., & Doraiswamy, P. M. (2019). 不同的食物摄入和食物选择的抑郁和身体质量指数水平在自助餐式设置后的情绪操纵. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(2), 199-208. doi:10.1177/1359105316650508
  • Privitera, G. J., Welling, D., Tejada, G., Sweazy, N., Cuifolo, K., King-Shepard, Q., & Doraiswamy, P. M. (2018). 没有卡路里的安慰:观看和画出“安慰食物”同样可以增强抑郁症患者的积极情绪. Journal of Health Psychology, 23(4), 598-607. doi:10.1177/1359105316681861
  • Zuraikat, F. M., Roe, L. S., Privitera, G. J., & Rolls, B. J. (2016). Increasing the size of portion options affects intake but not portion selection at a meal. Appetite, 98, 95-100. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.12.023
  • Privitera, G. J., Phillips, T. E., Zuraikat, F. M., & Paque, R. (2015). 贴标签增加了小学生在有结构的食品通道中对健康食品的选择. Appetite, 92, 173-177. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.05.024
  • Privitera, G. J., McGrath, H. K., Windus, B. A., & Doraiswamy, P. M. (2015). 现在吃还是以后吃:自我控制是抑郁和肥胖的重叠认知机制. PLoS ONE, 10(3), e0123136. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123136
  • Privitera, G. J., & Dickinson, E. K. (2015). Control your cravings: Self-control varies by eating attitudes, sex, and food type among Division I collegiate athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 19, 18-22. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.02.004
  • Privitera, G. J., Agnello, J. E., Walters, S. A., & Bender, S. L. (2015). 诊断随机反馈影响成人自我报告ADHD评估的统计学和临床意义. Journal of Attention Disorders, 19(5), 447-451. doi:10.1177/1087054712461178
  • Privitera, G. J., Cuifolo, K. N., & King-Shepard, Q. W. (2015). Wait, bring it back! ‘Expectancy to eat’ moderates the effectiveness of food cues to improve mood. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 5(2), 21-25. doi:10.5923/j.ijap.20150502.01
  • Privitera, G. J., Brown, C. J., & Gillespie, J. J. (2015). emolablabeling有效地减少模棱两可的标签对食品包装的杂货店购物者的影响. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(4), 12-17. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p12
  • Privitera, G. J., Freeman, C. S., Douglas, M. L. (2015). 运动动机预测运动强度的差异,热量“回报”大小不同. International Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 27-32. doi:10.5923/j.sports.20150501.05

Psychology research, by faculty member

Dr. Gregory Privitera, Researching Health Psychology

My research focuses on the global sociopsychological, policy, economic, and clinical impact of obesity and mental health on managing efficiencies for diagnosis, treatment, and cost of health outcomes and in healthcare settings. 我的研究项目整合了方法论学科,重点是对健康和医疗从业者的结果和影响, which has produced multiple papers to examine

  1. correlated and causal sociopsychological factors related to mental health, obesity, and health literacy,
  2. the impact of diagnostic, appetitive and built environment cues on clinical and consumer health outcomes,
  3. the utility of strategic analytics to drive value in healthcare for patients, and
  4. the examination of innovations, AI, and incentive models for care.

In all, my interdisciplinary program of research is highly collaborative. 跨学科的重点使我的整个研究项目充满活力和实践,可以监督圣何塞大学的各种本科教师指导的研究项目. Bonaventure University across psychological disciplines and interests. Overall, 我的理念是发展一个强大的研究项目,这个项目是高度协作和有影响力的, yet accessible to undergraduate student researchers.

Dr. Robin Valeri, Researching Hate, Extremism, and Cyberhate

Have you ever tried to convince someone to become your friend, go on a date with you, change their political opinion, or take action in support of their beliefs? 你用来影响自己或他人的策略都是社会影响策略,也是仇恨和极端主义团体用来将他们的想法传播到主流的策略, gain new recruits, and inspire others to action. 我的研究考察了仇恨和极端主义团体用来影响他人的策略和行动,以便我们能够更好地保护自己和社会免受他们的侵害, promote respect, 甚至说服那些讨厌的人改变他们的观点,让他们变得宽容和接受.

我和我的学生们对与仇恨和极端主义有关的各种主题进行了定性和定量研究. 我们的研究已在地区和国家会议上发表,并在同行评议的期刊上发表.

Research questions include:

  1. Why do people hate?
  2. What are the beliefs and motivations of the various hate and extremist groups?
  3. How or why does someone adopt an ideology of hate?
  4. 是什么迫使一个团体或个人采取行动来支持他们的信仰和意识形态?
  5. 网络空间在煽动仇恨和极端主义、煽动暴力方面发挥了什么作用?
  6. How and why does someone stop hating and leave a hate or extremist group?
  7. What role can or does cyberspace play in combatting hate and extremism?
  8. 作为个人,我们能做些什么来阻止仇恨,防止某人接受极端主义信仰?

Dr. Stephanie Vogel, Researching Narcissism


  1. Narcissism:  Narcissism is basically love of one’s self taken to the extreme. 我的研究旨在确定不同程度的自恋如何影响我们对事物的行为和感受. For example – If you are narcissistic, are you attracted to other narcissists or do you want someone who will worship you? Will a narcissist forgive you if you make a mistake (either perceived or real)?
  2. Erotophilia/erotophobia:  I also do research on the personality dimension of erotophilia/erotophobia, which is not a well-known term. This dimension is essentially how comfortable a person is with sexually-related stimuli. So for example, does one’s personality affect how much he or she believes in the sexual double standard? 色情恐惧症的程度会影响这个人在陪审团审理强奸案时的表现吗? 一个人的个性是否会影响他或她对性相关信息的关注和反应程度.e. sex words or pictures) in the environment?