St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学





  • COM 500. 寻找你的声音:营销传播入门
  • COM 580. 拥抱观众:同理心 & 道德
  • COM 520. 拥抱研究:营销传播研究
  • COM 720. 整合视觉:传达设计
  • COM 620. 整合创意策略 & 设计
  • COM 800. 精通领域:论文
  • 江铃汽车600. 视觉传达
  • 江铃汽车399. 传播学研究方法
  • SC 303. 数字营销
  • SC 220. 数字内容 & 订婚
  • Master of Fine Art, illustration, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, Calif., 2015.
  • Master of Business 政府, concentrations in finance and organizations & 市场,威廉·E. Simon Graduate School of Business 政府, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.1992年6月.
  • 市场管理理学学士学位, 以优等成绩毕业者, 克劳塞斯管理学院, 锡拉丘兹大学, 锡拉丘兹, N.Y.; member of Beta Gamma Sigma, national business honor society; four-year volleyball scholarship (NCAA Division I), 学术 1986年《全球网赌十大网站》 & 1988.


  • 异常, experienced higher education instructor focused on student engagement and experiential learning instructional strategies. 在教学和指导方面名列前茅.
  • Extensive online teaching experience including course development, instruction, and assessment.
  • More than a dozen years of experience working for Fortune 500 companies in marketing and communication roles.
  • Creator and scholar focused on storytelling and messaging to the youngest of audiences with both scholarly and commercial publications.
  • Award winning creator and scholar — recognized for excellence in contributions to the commercial publishing field and recognized for excellence in research and scholarship in the academic field. 


哈里斯是一位经验丰富的财富500强营销人员、沟通者和企业家. 获得硕士学位后,她开始了自己的市场营销职业生涯.B.A. 来自威廉·E号. 罗彻斯特大学西蒙工商管理学院. 在下面 12年, she worked for three different fortune 500 companies in several different industries including medical, 食物, 和玩具.

She has launched over 250 products and managed them through their entire life cycle from concept to obsoletion, 运用营销计划和策略, 营销传播, 并通过财务管理为公司实现盈利 这让她很受用. 希瑟领导过多职能团队, 指导创意机构, and managed product categories ranging from $25 million to $250 million in sales.

She has also concepted and built several entrepreneurial businesses based in the arts and arts communication. 她的 work concepting and leading redFISH Art Studios and Gallery helped lead an evolution in the arts scene in Western New York and launched her 作为一名新兴艺术家. 她还构思并建立了自己的插画业务, which has won several industry awards in illustration and storytelling and services clients in both the toy and publishing industries.


Harris teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses within the Communication and Journalism programs. She has a proven track record of bringing the best pedagogical practices into the classroom, 适应学生的学习需求和风格 多种教育水平, 机构, 和模式, and developing curriculum that advances student proficiency and keeps the university on the forefront of education. 

Harris is a passionate educator who meets the learner where they are in their educational journey and uses a transformational approach in her teaching to help students achieve their goals. 通过建构主义策略让学生参与学习, 学生如何从主动学习经验中构建意义, 使学习易于理解和记忆.

Transformational teachers know that artful teaching without science lacks efficacy, 没有审美的科学教学缺乏远见. 哈里斯的 academic credentialing in both “right-brain” and “left-brain” subject matters means that artful teaching with scientific rigor comes naturally to her and is her sweet spot in the classroom.


哈里斯的 research interest lies in storytelling and visual engagement and its power on audiences. 她的 most recent scholarly work focuses on messaging to the youngest of audiences through kid-centric mediums such as song, video, 和书籍. 她的 current research is exploring the changes of messages delivered by Disney animated film songs and visual imagery used to market the movies to the youngest of audience over the past 70+ years.

探索随着时间的推移,传递给孩子的信息的变化, Harris focuses on song and imagery as modes of communication to children and uses content analysis of words and imagery to identify trends and their potential impact.  哈里斯的 scholarly work is the fuel that informs her original creative work in children’s books which she authors and illustrates.


Harris authors and illustrates stories for children ages 1–8 years old with the goal of empowering them to understand and navigate the world around them. Mindful of her findings from her scholarly research, Harris utilizes imagery, language, shape, and color to create stories that engage the youngest of audiences and invites wonder and awe. 

有目的地使用动物角色, careful language and social emotional learning subject matter are tools Harris uses to invite inclusivity into the worlds she creates. 哈里斯为11本儿童读物绘制了插图,并获得了许多奖项,包括 月光奖,紫蜻蜓奖,还有纽约大书奖.



  • 2021 — 商业研究学会 Best Paper Award “迪士尼媒体信息对最年轻观众的意外影响” Fall 2021 Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX
  • 2020 — 商业研究学会 Best Paper Award “男人说教101:大学生中的男女沟通错误” Spring 2020 Conference, 新奥尔良, LA
  • 2020 — Purple Dragonfly Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature Honorable Mention in both Best Illustrations and Picture Books 5 & 年轻的类别
  • 2019 — NYC Big Book Award – National award for Excellence in Children’s Picture Books in the Children’s Inspirational category for the title 三叶草和流星
  • 2018 — Moonbeam Award – National award for Excellence in Children’s Picture Books in the Pre-school picture books category for the title 五只饥饿的老鼠
  • 2006 - Susan B. 安东尼承诺卓越领导奖, 她的智慧和一份承诺实现自己的事业. 安东尼的愿景,罗切斯特大学
  • 2004年,获Fisher-Price新生儿团队营销优秀奖
  • 2002 - Fisher-Price团队优秀奖,Babygear团队
  • 1994年,鲍什 & 随着隐形眼镜营销团队奖,鲍施 & 随着
  • 1989 — Fred Brightman Memorial Award for Excellence in 体育运动 and Personal Character, 雪城大学罗彻斯特校友俱乐部


  • 2022年的今天,J., & Beste K.哈里斯,H. L., (2022) 臭还是游,麦迪逊,威斯康辛州(首先,爵士. Glofriends). Playmonster.
  • ——佩切,J., & Beste K.哈里斯,H. L., (2022) 一直坚强,麦迪逊,威斯康辛州(首先,爵士. Glofriends). Playmonster.
  • ——佩切,J., & Beste K.哈里斯,H. L., (2022) 不要停止扭动跳,麦迪逊,威斯康辛州(首先,爵士. Glofriends). Playmonster. 
  • 2021 -哈里斯,H., (2021). 迪士尼媒体信息对最年轻观众的意外影响.  商业研究学会.  2021年10月会议记录.  奖项:最佳论文,营销专题.
  • 2020年-德西蒙,K.哈里斯,H.摩尔,E., (2020). 男人说教101:大学生中的男女沟通错误. 商业研究学会. 2020年3月.  获奖:最佳论文 管理跟踪.
  • 2020年-普雷斯顿. & 哈里斯,H. L., (2020) 我的地下室里的怪物1、《全球网赌十大网站》,光之城出版社出版.
  • 2019 -麦克拉伦,布莱恩 & 希金斯,加雷斯 & 《全球网赌十大网站》(2019) 科里和第七个故事加拿大安大略省自行出版的儿童绘本.
  • 2018 — Integrated Marketing and other Communication articles posted to SBU online blog.
  • 2018 -哈里斯,希瑟·林恩(2018) 五只饥饿的老鼠,布法罗,纽约,十字苹果酱,A City of Light出版社.
  • 2016 -哈里斯,希瑟·林恩(2016) 三叶草和流星纽约州布法罗市布法罗遗产有限公司.
  • 2014 -史蒂文森,罗伯特·路易斯,哈里斯,希瑟·林恩(2014) 摇摆纽约州布法罗市布法罗遗产有限公司.