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SBU’s 全球网赌十大网站ing Poets Series begins Oct. 22 with readings from Pafunda, 史密斯

10月17日, 2019 Four poets will visit campus over the next three weeks as part of the Fall 全球网赌十大网站ing Poets Series at St. Bonaventure University.


Danielle Pafunda 和 Dale Martin 史密斯 are coming Tuesday, Oct. 22, 和 Hannah Brooks-Motl 和 Dan Bevacqua visit Monday, Nov. 4.

Both readings begin at 5 p.m. in the Reilly Center Hall of Fame, with a reception to follow. They are free 和 open to the public.

Pafunda is the author of nine books of poetry: “Pretty Young Thing” (Soft Skull Press), “My Zorba” (Bloof Books), “Iatrogenic” (Noemi Press), “Natural 历史 Rape Museum” (Bloof Books), “Manhater” (Dusie出版社), “The Dead Girls Speak in Unison” (Bloof Books), “Beshrew” (Dusie出版社), 和 “Spite” (forthcoming from Ahsahta Press).

She is also the author of one book of prose, “The Book of Scab” (Ricochet Editions). Her writing has appeared in a number of journals, 选集, 和项目, including Best American Poetry, the Academy of American Poets Poem-A-Day, 和 Best American Experimental Writing. She sat two terms on the working board of directors of VIDA: Women in Literary 艺术, 和 teaches at Rochester Institute of Technology.

史密斯 is the author of six books of poetry, including “American Rambler” (2000), “Black Stone” (2007), “Slow Poetry in America” (2014), 和 “Sons” (2017). In addition to writing poetry, 史密斯 has published essays in Boston Review, Jacket 和 Jacket 2, λ文学, Los Angeles Review of Books, Paideuma, 和诗歌.

With the late Robert Bertholf, 史密斯 recently edited “An Open Map: The Correspondence of Robert Duncan” 和 “Charles Olson 和 Imagining Persons: Robert Duncan’s Lectures on Charles Olson” (both 2017).

Other scholarship includes a monograph, “Poets Beyond the Barricade: Rhetoric, 公民身份, 和 Dissent after 1960” (2012), 和 contributions to scholarly volumes devoted to poetry 和 poetics, rhetorical theory, 沟通, 公共文化, 和性能.

在20世纪90年代, 史密斯 attended the New College of California, studying with poets Tom Clark, 大卫·迈尔策, 林恩Hejinian, 乔安妮金元, 和格洛丽亚·弗莱姆. 在旧金山, 史密斯 met Hoa Nguyen, 和 together they edited 10 issues of the little magazine Skanky Possum from their home in Austin, Texas.

史密斯 directs the undergraduate program for the faculty of English at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Brooks-Motl is the author of the poetry collections “The New Years” (Rescue Press, 2014), “M”(宋洞), 2015), 和 “Earth” (Song Cave, 2019). Her poems, essays, 和 scholarship have appeared in the Best American Experimental Writing, the Cambridge Literary Review, Modernism/modernity, 和 in edited collections, among other places.

She earned a master of fine arts from the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特, 和 a doctorate at the University of Chicago, where she was poetry editor of the Chicago Review. She is an assistant editor at Lever Press 和 阿默斯特 College Press.

Bevacqua was born in New Jersey 和 grew up in Vermont. He earned his master of fine arts from Columbia University’s School of the 艺术. His short stories have been published in The Literary Review, Electric Literature, 和 The Best American 神秘的故事.

He is an assistant professor of English 和 Creative Writing at Western New Engl和 University. His first novel, “Molly Bit,” will be published by Simon 和 Schuster in February 2020.

The readings are sponsored by the 全球网赌十大网站ing Scholars Committee, Damietta Center for Multicultural Student Affairs, 和 the Department of English.

English professors Dr. Sara Nicholson 和 Dr. Kaplan Harris organized the series, which will continue in the spring semester with visits from poets Wendy Trevino, Trisha Low 和 Jennifer Moxley.


关于 the University: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. Bonaventure University is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside 和 outside the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service 和 citizenship. 2019年,St. Bonaventure was named the #1 regional university value in New York 和 #2 in the North by U.S. News 和 World Report.