St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学





市场营销助理教授, 商学院 Diversity Committee Chair, AMA(市场营销俱乐部)顾问
  • MKT 302. 消费者的行为
  • MKT 301.  市场营销原理
  • 612年工商管理硕士. 营销管理
  • 638年工商管理硕士. 消费者的行为
  • 山姆653. 体育营销
  • Ph.D. in 市场营销, West Virginia University, 2023
  • BSBA in 市场营销, West Virginia University, 2018
  • 圣助理教授. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, Fall 2022 – present
  • 商学院 Diversity Committee Chair, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, Spring 2023 – present
  • AMA(市场营销俱乐部)顾问, Fall 2022 – present
  • St .市场营销部临时主席. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, January – May 2024
  • Ph.D. Candidate and 研究生 Assistant Instructor, West Virginia University, 2018-2022
  • Reviewer for 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference and Society for 市场营销 Advances Conference
  • Accepted to the 2024 MPPC Junior Scholar Workshop
  • Accepted to the 2023-2024 Hybrid Journalism Project with St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学's Jandoli Institute
  • Best Conference Paper – 2023 AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference
  • Accepted to 2023 MPPC Biennial 市场营销 and Public Policy Research Workshop and Doctoral Seminar
  • Accepted to 2022 MPPC Biennial 市场营销 and Public Policy Research Workshop and Doctoral Seminar
  • 2021 Outstanding PhD Student Award – WVU 市场营销 Department
  • 2020 PhD Student Excellence in Teaching Award – WVU 市场营销 Department
  • Accepted to 2020 MPPC Biennial 市场营销 and Public Policy Research Workshop and Doctoral Seminar (cancelled due to COVID-19)


  • 伊丽莎白·T·格拉茨.——马修·E. 萨基斯先生,还有M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德(2022). “这到底是谁的观点?? Media Coverage of Litigation in For-Profit Firms’ Role in the Opioid Epidemic.” Journal of 市场营销 Theory and Practice, 1-17,
    • This paper uses rhetoric theory and 文本分析 to explore the language used by firms and the press to describe 阿片类药物泛滥的诉讼.
  • Bharti维贾伊, 伊丽莎白T. 格拉茨, M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德(2022). “你不能强迫我这么做!’ Consumer Social Distancing Compliance Behavior.” 消费者事务杂志,(特邀文章,编辑评论), 56, 120-140,
    • This paper shows that social distancing compliance is driven by political ideology, 自由受限的感觉, 自满, and perceived ethicality of social distancing.


  • 伊丽莎白格拉茨 (主持人) and Joshua Bannon (主持人), “Empowering Disability in Higher Education.在SBU的威廉C. Foster ’62 Center for Responsible Leadership Spring Conference, April 20, 2024.
  • 伊丽莎白格拉茨 (主持人), “From a Rocky Road to Policy Pavers – Finding the Disability Community’s Place at the Table.论文提交 at SBU’s 多样性、股票, and 包容 Lecture series, March 12, 2024.
  • 艾米丽C. 坦纳,M. 保拉·菲茨杰拉德和 伊丽莎白T. 格拉茨 (主持人), “Political Earthquakes’ and Political Tribes’ Impact on Political Activism.论文提交 at the annual AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy 会议,2023年6月8-10日.
  • 伊丽莎白·塔克·格拉茨 (主持人), Laurel Aynne Cook, and 艾米丽C. 坦纳, “Cow-nterfeit” Information: The Side Effects of Antibiotic-Free Milk Labeling with Perspectives from Consumers and Suppliers.论文提交 at the annual AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference, June 9-11, 2022.
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人), “Society’s Perception of Disability is Changing – Will 市场营销 Make a Place for the Disability Community at the Table?在2022年的德国联邦议院上 & 士绅博士研讨会,3月 31日,2022年4月2日. 
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人), “Americans with Disabilities Act – Physical and Online 可全球网赌十大网站性.赠送给博士. M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德’s Customer Relationship 市场营销 class at West Virginia University, September 20, 2021.
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人), “Disability Representation in Firm Media – Best Practices.赠送给博士. M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德’s 市场营销原理 class at West Virginia University, September 20, 2021.
  • Vijay Payal Bharti(主讲人): 伊丽莎白T. 格拉茨, M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德, “社交距离修辞,在一次特别会议上说, “消费者的行为 Amidst and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic,在一年一度的美国医学协会夏季大会上 学术会议,2021年8月4-6日.1
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人)和M. 宝拉·菲茨杰拉德, “The Impact of Increased Disability Representation in Media on Attitude Toward the Disability Community and Attitude Toward the Firm.论文提交 at the annual AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference, June 24-25, 2021.1
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人), “Impact of Disability Representation in Media on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes.赠送给博士. Farnoush Reshadi’s 消费者的行为 class at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, February 4, 2021.1
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人),M. 保拉·菲茨杰拉德和 Emily 坦纳, “The Impact of Political Shocks and Political Homelessness on Political Activism.论文提交 at the annual AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference, 2020年5月28日至29日.1
  • 格拉茨,伊丽莎白 (主持人),M. 保拉·菲茨杰拉德和 Matthew Sarkees, 阿片类药物危机:利益相关者框架, Shaming and Blaming through Communications.论文提交 at the annual AMA 市场营销 and Public Policy Conference, 2020年5月28日至29日.1
  • 坦纳,艾米莉·C.,库克,劳雷尔·安妮,还有 伊丽莎白·塔克·格拉茨 (主持人), “Cow-nterfeit Information: The Side Effects of Antibiotic-Free Milk Labeling.论文提交 at the annual Society for 市场营销 Advances Conference, West Palm Beach, FL, October 31-November 3, 2018.
My life and career have been guided by several teachers that both encouraged me and challenged me to be my best. 类似的, 我努力做一个善良的人, 体贴的, and helpful professor that cares about my students while challenging them to think critically. My teaching style is largely influenced by the constructivism learning theory, 哪一个 argues that students play an active role in the learning process, 人本主义学习理论, 哪一个 focuses on supporting students so that they can reach self-actualization.
  • 公共政策
  • 弱势群体
  • 残疾社区
  • 消费者福利
  • 文本分析
  • 激进主义
  • 卫生保健
  • 阿片类药物流行病 

我喜欢以阅读为乐趣, 收听真实犯罪播客, 烹饪, 花时间在户外, 旅行, 制作, 步枪竞技射击, 饲养动物.

I have an athletic career in 步枪竞技射击, 哪一个, 虽然不为人所知, is an Olympic and NCAA Division 1 sport. I was a three-time NCAA National Champion with the WVU Rifle Team and medaled multiple times at both the national and international level, including a 3rd place finish at the 2016 Olympic Trials. 我喜欢在美国旅行.S. 以及世界各地(德国), 西班牙, 韩国, and the Czech Republic) for competitions with the U.S. 国家射击队.
