St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


自1916年以来,一直致力于教育工作者的培养, 我们被美国教师教育学院协会评为25大创新项目之一, 我们是CAEP认证的.

制定long_Logo_web这个基于绩效的认证由 教育工作者准备资格认证委员会 确保教师候选人准备好改变P-12学生的学习.

教育学院完全通过CAEP认证, 国际公认的教育培训认证机构.

我们提供专业发展学校(PDS)课程,所有初始教师认证. 我们的许多课程都是混合的, 或“混合,“格式, 将课堂教学与在线活动相结合.



  • 青春期教育:适用于寻求纽约州特定中学(7-12)科目认证的学生. 提供早期保障计划.

  • 教育研究*:面向寻求与儿童和家庭相关工作的学生.

  • 儿童教育为想成为小学教师的学生提供四个不同的理学学士学位. 提供早期保障计划.

  • 体育课:针对寻求体育和教练认证的学生. 提供早期保障计划.

  • 运动的研究:为在健康和休闲行业寻找工作的学生提供的非教学专业, 体育管理和许多相关的职业.

  • *以前被称为童年研究


We offer an early assurance program for qualified high school seniors who enroll in an undergraduate teacher-preparation program. 那些被早期保证计划录取的人在三个街中的一个有一个预留的座位等着他们. 博纳旺蒂尔硕士学位课程完成本科学习和教师认证. 了解更多关于早期保证的信息.


  • 教育领导(EdD)适用于从事教育领导工作的人士, 政府部门, 私营部门, 教育技术, 或者类似的东西. The program can provide the foundation to solve large institutional issues and create transformational change within organizations. 它是在线提供的.
  • b - 12识字:面向获得硕士学位的合格教师,担任从出生到12年级的扫盲教练, 阅读老师, 或者文化专家. (这个项目取代了以前的两个项目:儿童识字和青少年识字.)

  • 教育领导(msed):针对希望通过批判性探究成为未来领导者的教师, 反思和动态领导策略. 
  • 青春期教育: This one-year program provides individuals who have a baccalaureate degree in a content subject the opportunity to become initially certified to teach that subject in grades 7-12 in New York 状态.
  • 全纳特殊教育: The 100% online program is designed to help teachers meet the ever-changing demands of diverse classrooms and may be completed by teachers with certification in nearly any area or grade level. 
  • 临床心理健康咨询: This 100% online program is designed for individuals who wish to serve as counselors in community-based agencies — for example, 心理健康和社会服务机构, 医院, 诊所, 以及大学咨询中心.
  • 学校心理咨询:这个100%的全球网赌十大网站是为希望在K-12环境中担任顾问的个人设计的.

  • 校舍负责人: 专为寻求成为校长的中小学教师和学校辅导员而设计.

  • 学区领导: 专为寻求成为地区一级行政人员(总监)的候选人而设计。.

  • 儿童b-6识字扩展acs: For SBU graduates (from 2000 to 2020 only) who earned a master's in Adolescent Literacy 5-12 and wish to extend their certification to B-12.

  • 青少年5-12岁扫盲扩展acs: For SBU graduates (from 2000 to 2020 only) who earned a master's in Childhood Literacy B-6 and wish to extend their certification to B-12.

  • Please Note: Enrollment in our advanced certificate program in Teaching Students with Exceptionalities has been paused for the time being. 请回本网页查阅最新资料.


林赛·辛普森,STEAM会员 & instructional tech specialist at Genesee Valley Central School who earned her master's and school building leader certificate at SBU, 是Eduporium特色教育家吗.



我们相信你会成为一个有效的教育家通过广泛的, 有监督和结构化的现实世界经验, so our programs are built around meaningful practicum sessions in our many partner schools in New York and Pennsylvania.

This is also true of our advanced master’s degree programs for teachers as well as the preparation of school and clinical mental health counselors and school administrators.  

All initial teacher preparation programs require coursework in both professional education studies and an academic area. Elementary education majors complete an academic concentration of no fewer than 30 credit hours in a liberal arts area. 体育专业的学生完成了他们的生物学专业.

This combination of classroom instruction and authentic off-campus experience means our graduates are not only knowledgeable in their area of academic interest, 但已经在该领域证明了它们的有效性, 使他们成为就业市场上非常理想的候选人. Ninety-four percent (94%) of recent graduates are either working in their chosen field or continuing their education.

  • 有效的教育家,伟大的领导者

    课堂教学, authentic off-campus and meaningful extracurricular experiences position our graduates to be knowledgeable and innovative teachers.


    圣公会教育学院. 博纳文蒂尔大学是由NCATE国家认证的大学, 国家教师教育认证委员会. 这意味着我们所有的本科和研究生课程都符合当地的要求, 状态, 以及教育的专业标准.

  • News-Publications-Research——旗帜
      2024年5月29日|有影响力、敬业、热爱母校. 这些只是St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学2024年度校友:吉姆, ’73, 和艾琳, ’74, (麦高文)秃鹰, 玛丽·安·格伦农, ’79, 还有克里斯·拉普拉卡, ’79.

      2024年5月7日|全球网赌十大网站准备结束他们的大学之旅, 曾经分隔它们的距离现在变成了牢不可破的纽带, 象征着他们共同的经历和成长.

      2024年4月29日| Dr. 玛格丽特几何, 辅导员教育助理教授, was invited to present internationally at the 2024 World Creativity and Innovation Day Celebration (WCID) in collaboration with the Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference (ACC) and the United Nations.

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