St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


你不能独自作为邦妮开始新生活. We partner with you every step of the way with programs and services that ensure your smooth transition to college life.



Separate orientations are hosted for four groups of incoming students throughout the year: Summer 取向 for first-year students, 转移方向, 面向国际学生, and January 新生迎新 for all students starting spring semester.

All students are strongly encouraged to attend their orientation to learn what St. 博纳旺蒂尔 has to offer and how to navigate their first semester here!


There are four two-day sessions of orientation hosted in July where incoming first-year students and their families are welcome to campus to attend a series of 研讨会 and presentations to prepare for this exciting next chapter in the student's life.

学生以先到先得的方式预订名额. Long-distance students also have the option to attend a virtual orientation session set later in July.

了解更多关于 船的方位.

博纳101. St简介. 博纳旺蒂尔

A first-year seminar course emphasizing learning as a communal process

This course will introduce the characteristics and functions of community and diversity, 并解释学生们是如何在全球网赌十大网站. The course will also teach students about effective learning strategies and aspects of college 准备和职业发展.

通过探索St. 博纳旺蒂尔的使命, 什么多样性?, 股本, 包容意味着, students can engage in better-informed dialogue about their roles as citizens of the world. 这门课是为大学第一学期的学生开设的.


Peer coaches are spirited SBU enthusiasts and students in good academic standing who help first-year and transfer students with their transition to St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. Peer coaches reach out to all first-year and transfer students on a regular 在SBU的第一学期, as well as plan engaging events for first-year students to participate in throughout the semester.

Students will meet their peer coach during Welcome Days / 转移方向.



CORE is a program that helps ensure a smooth transition to college life and academics for St. 博纳旺蒂尔's Freshman Foundation students — those who need guidance in order to take full advantage of the support services offered by the university.


  • 保持有条理
  • 有效地学习
  • 管理自己的时间,避免拖延
  • take advantage of the many campus resources available to help them to achieve success.

对于CORE学生来说,FRES 100是一个重要的课程, 第一学期每周一次的研讨会. It's been demonstrated that students who complete FRES 100 have higher GPAs and are more successful at SBU than those who don't.
The academic success plan for CORE students requires them to meet with their academic advisers during the first few weeks of class and encourages use of 学生成功中心 programs and resources.



我如何注册迎新课程? 什么时候是欢迎日? 我如何报名上课? 这些问题和许多其他问题的答案.