St. Bonaventure University

Master of 艺术 in Marketing Communication

Our flexible, 完全全球网赌十大网站允许您在市场传播需求领域的专业课程中定制您的硕士学位. Qualified applicants will receive a $1,000 Inspire & Lead Graduate Scholarship!

Master the art of strategic storytelling


通过在线营销传播硕士课程, 您将获得创建活动愿景的必要工具, crafting the strategy, developing high-touch content for target audiences, analyzing data and measuring success.

我们的校友都是各自领域中最具前瞻性的专业人士, 在财富500强公司工作,用他们的前沿知识和创造力创造变革. SBU也是仅有的三所提供acejmc认证的在线研究生课程的学校之一.

  • Conceptual thinking -利用创造性思维,为传统和数字媒体内容和移情消费者体验开发原创想法.
  • Strategic thinking – Identify communication problems, 制定战略活动计划,并使用数据分析来衡量内容营销活动目标.
  • 视觉 & written communication – Create engaging, 整合所有主要媒体平台的内容和视觉效果,展示对不同受众和信息的理解.
  • Professional readiness -通过道德决策的视角加深对全球商业主题的理解, 获得制定和提出正式沟通计划的经验.
  • Emphasis on integrity – Connect with diverse audiences while embodying empathy, ethical principles and freedom of expression.

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100% online coursework

No GMAT/GRE required
Graduate in 22 months

SBU的在线营销传播硕士课程是为来自各种本科背景的学生开发的. 我们的课程是精心设计的,以反映真实世界的信息, data and communications interact, helping you cultivate interdisciplinary knowledge.

A hot job market

这个学位提供了目前市场上最需要的工作所需要的技能. We have the creative skill set; we have the strategic skill set.

The Jandoli School is accredited by ACEJMC
全球网赌十大网站及大众传播教育评审委员会标志St. 博纳旺蒂尔的传播学院获得了全球网赌十大网站与大众传播教育认证委员会(ACEJMC)的认证。.

当你从acejmc认证的项目毕业时,你可以放心,你的项目符合最高标准, including in areas such as curriculum, diversity and inclusion, full-time and part-time faculty and learning outcomes.

As an accredited school, we are:
  • 仅有的19所私立大学传播学院之一获得如此认证
  • one of just three offering accredited online graduate programs.