St. Bonaventure University


Professors from all schools in the university who have been bestowed the title of "emeritus" upon retirement from full-time teaching.

The title of professor emeritus is an honorary designation that may be awarded to recognize those who have retired with the earned rank of associate professor or professor after at least 10 years of full-time meritorious service to the university and their field of knowledge. While no longer full-time faculty members, some continue to teach on occasion as adjunct instructors.

Godet-Calogeras, Jean-François


Theology and Franciscan Studies
艺术学院 and 科学

Professor Emeritus, Theology and Franciscan Studies
通用编辑器, Franciscan Studies
  • Franciscan Sources (13th-14th c.)一般地
  • 亲爱的299. Honors Seminar on the Life of Francis of Assisi
  • 亲爱的299. Honors Seminar on the Life of Clare of Assisi
  • 亲爱的401. Honors Seminar on Building an Alternative Society: the Franciscan Model
  • NV 303. Justice and Peace in the Franciscan Tradition
  • SFS 518. The Franciscan Hagiographical Tradition
  • SFS 519. The Companions and Disciples Tradition
  • SFS 525. Introduction to the Writings of Francis and Clare of Assisi
  • SFS 526. Clare of Assisi and Franciscan Women
  • SFS 527. The Rule and Life of the Third Order Regular
  • SFS 556. The Foundations of Franciscan Spirituality
  • 西奥362. The Spirituality of the Franciscan Movement
  • 四氢呋喃320. Franciscan Approach to Healthcare
  • Pacioli Project: Understanding the Franciscan Origins and 值
  • Ph.D., Medieval Studies, Catholic University of Louvain, 1974
  • Teaching Certification, Catholic University of Louvain, 1968
  • M.A., Classical Philology, Catholic University of Louvain, 1967
  • B.A., Philosophy and Literature, St. Louis College, Brussels, 1965
Prior to working at SBU, also taught high school for four years and was an assistant professor at the Catholic University of Louvain.
Recent Accomplishments:
  • Écrits de François d’Assise, French translation with introduction and notes  in François d’Assise: Écrits, Vies et Témoignages (Paris: Éditions du Cerf – Éditions franciscaines, 2010).
  • Clare of Assisi, A Woman’s Life: Symbols of the Feminine in Her Writings, New Updated Edition (Phoenix: Tau Publishing, 2013).
  • “From Brother Francis to the Poor Sisters of San Damiano: What is left of their correspondence?” in Her Bright Merits: Essays honoring Ingrid J. 彼得森,OSF (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2012), 61-81.
  • “Francis and Clare and the emergence of the Second Order,” in The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi, ed. 迈克尔·J.P. Robson (Cambridge: University Press, 2012), 115-126.
  • “The Autographs of Brother Francis of Assisi,” in Studies in Early Franciscan Sources,卷. 1 (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2011), 51-99.
  • “The Salutations of Brother Francis of Assisi,” in Studies in Early Franciscan Sources,卷. 1 (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2011), 301-327.
  • “Clare’s Blessing,” in Studies in Early Franciscan Sources,卷. 3 (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2011), 135-147.
  • “Illi qui volunt religiose stare in eremis: Eremitical practice in the life of the early Franciscans” in Medieval Franciscans at prayer (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 307-331.
  • New and updated edition of Damien Vorreux, First Encounter with Francis of Assisi (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2012).
  • 写作, 历史 of the TOR Rule: A Source Book (St. Bonaventure: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2008).
Maieutic pedagogy
  • The Origins of the Franciscan Movement
  • Franciscans and Works of Mercy/Compassion
  • Franciscans and Social Justice
  • The Spirit and Life of Francis and Clare
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
  • Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs
  • Health Care Access Coalition (HCAC)