St. Bonaventure University

Graduate News & 事件

Graduate news

    Mar 16, 2023 | An article in the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision by Dr. 乍得卢克, associate professor of counselor education, and colleagues examines the use of experiential learning groups to teach a career counseling course that students historically struggle to engage in.

    Mar 16, 2023 | Dr. 内特·史密斯, assistant professor of counselor education, gave a presentation titled "Watching Them Walk the Tightrope: Anti-LGBTQIA Youth Legislation Counseling Supervision & Ethics" at the 2023 德州 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Midwinter Conference in Georgetown, 德州.

    Mar 16, 2023 | Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, was invited to present both virtually and in person to psychology doctoral students at Konrad Lorenz University, 波哥大, 哥伦比亚, South America, through the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development, a division of the American Counseling Association.

    Feb 24, 2023 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of educational leadership (advanced school supervisory preparation), has had a proposal accepted to author a chapter in an emerging book titled "Wellness Through Mentoring Within a Continuum of School Leadership Preparation." (In Kutsyuruba, B. & 中时F., Eds.. Mentoring for Wellbeing in Schools, Information Age Publishing.)

    12月 16, 2022 | St. Bonaventure University’s first cohort of occupational therapy students were recognized during a Pinning Ceremony Thursday, 12月. 15, as they prepare for their final steps in the program.

    09年12月, 2022 | Meagan Alberts, MPA-S, PA-C, clinical assistant professor of physician assistant studies, recently presented at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants, held in Pittsburgh.

    09年12月, 2022 | Tammy Rae Matthews, assistant professor in the online sports journalism and digital journalism master's degree programs, contributed a chapter in a book published in June.

    09年12月, 2022 | Heather Harris, assistant professor and director of the master's program in communication, was selected by the toy company PlayMonster to illustrate a series of six books for children ages 1-5 launching this Christmas.

    09年12月, 2022 | Dr. Margaret Hindman, assistant professor of counselor education, and colleagues will make a one-hour presentation this month at the virtual portion of the 2022 Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference.

    09年12月, 2022 | Dr. 内特·史密斯, assistant professor of counselor education, presented a webinar titled "I'm here, 我的酷儿, but I'm not used to it: Internalized Homophobia & Relational Cultural Theory" for the Society for Affectional, 双性, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE), a division of the American Counseling Association.

Graduate events

Graduate program information sessions and other events related to graduate studies will be posted as these activities are finalized. Please return to this site often.

  • Attend an Occupational Therapy virtual info session

    Learn about the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program at SBU by attending our virtual info session.

    Registrants will be sent a Zoom link.