数学专业的埃里卡·洛,2022届毕业生,为大家呈现了“圣. Bonaventure Prime Project, 2022年SBU艺术博览会 & 科学博览会.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


The remarkable effectiveness of mathematics to reveal and quantify patterns in every human discipline makes a degree in 数学 enormously valuable and versatile.

剑桥大学数学系. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 offers a major that prepares students for a myriad of careers, ranging from business to industry to government to secondary education, 以及研究生院.



在圣. Bonaventure您有两条途径获得初始认证:

  • Earn your 数学学士学位 while completing requirements for initial certification as a math teacher in grades 7-12. 了解更多.
  • Earn your Bachelor of Science in Adolescent Education with a concentration in 数学, which also completes the requirements for initial certification as a math teacher in grades 7-12. 了解更多.


  • 课程提供微积分的基础课程, 离散数学, 分析, 抽象代数, as well as electives that students may select based on their interests or career goals.
  • The program is flexible enough that a student may complement the 数学 major with a minor, 第二专业, 或荣誉. 数学专业的学生通常会获得辅修课程, 还有一些人选择了第二专业, 在一个紧密相关的领域,如计算机科学, 化学, 金融, 或物理.
  • The 数学 program provides excellent preparation for secondary school teaching. 如上所述, a student has two Bachelor of Science options for obtaining their initial certification to teach mathematics in grades 7-12 in New York State. 或者,一个学生可能会得到传统的B.S. 在数学和留在全球网赌十大网站完成了一个 青少年教育硕士.
  • Students receive one-on-one advising with departmental faculty in selecting a program of study and in pursuing admission to graduate school, 数学方面的专业课程或职业.
  • 非专业可以获得a 辅修数学 补充自己的专业. 辅修数学和主修化学很相配, 计算机科学, 金融, 物理, 以及其他任何事情.

数学系主任是李博士. 克里斯托弗·希尔,可能有 电子邮件 或致电(716)375-2025. 该部门位于数学套房, which is comprised of rooms 301 and 303 of De La Roche Hall.


数学系的成绩是B.S. 数学,a.S. in 数学 with grades 7-12 teaching certification, and a 辅修数学.


The major in 数学 provides a broad foundation of mathematical knowledge and a selection of electives that the student may select based on their interests or career goals.

Degree requirements and a four-year plan for the 数学 major

  • 数学学士学位 with teaching certification

    Earn a 数学学士学位 while completing all requirements for initial New York state certification to teach math in grades 7-12.


  • 辅修数学

    对于非专业学生, the Math minor provides a solid grounding in mathematics to aid in the understanding of their major fields.


    全球网赌十大网站、出版物 & 研究
      2024年9月18日|全球网赌十大网站 Honors students past and present of Dr. 斯科特·辛普森(Scott Simpson)在国内和国外都度过了美妙的夏天.

      Jun 20, 2024 | The chair of the Department of 数学 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 continued his outreach with local school districts, working with students in Linda Dodd-Nagel’s precalculus class at Allegany-Limestone Central School to build a work of mathematical art: a 3D “shadow” of a four-dimensional shape.

      2024年4月29日| Dr. 克里斯汀Uhl, 数学副教授, had her paper "Metric Dimension of a Direct Product of Three Complete Graphs" published in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics on April 19.