St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

校友参与、活动 & 全球网赌十大网站

欢迎, 漂亮的, 校友活动办公室, your headquarters for alumni events 和 activities, 以及关于我们博纳家族的全球网赌十大网站.

Here you'll find information about upcoming events planned by alumni chapters across the country; scheduled visits to chapter cities by Office of 校友 Services representatives, including the popular Mountain on the Road series with Fr. 丹·莱利,0岁.F.M.; as well as the latest news for 和 about our vast Bona family. 



  • 2024校友聚会周末

    我们为全球网赌十大网站超过31所,000 alumni 和 each year we welcome back to campus members of celebrated classes for a chance to reconnect with friends 和 relive their favorite traditions. Join us for our 2024校友聚会周末 as we honor the classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 和2019年.


  • 在罗切斯特和邦妮一家打高尔夫球

    圣. Bonaventure 体育运动 Department invites you to the annual 在罗切斯特和邦妮一家打高尔夫球, N.Y. at Ravenwood Country Club on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (note, the next day is a federal holiday). Join your fellow 漂亮的 alumni 和 fans as well as basketball coaches Mark Schmidt 和 Jim Crowley for a great day of golf 和 comradery, 这一切都是为了给邦尼运动基金捐款. Follow the link for pricing including a special young alumni rate. Register now as the field will be capped at 136 golfers.


  • 2024年布法罗港游轮

    Set sail with fellow 漂亮的 aboard the Miss Buffalo II! The cost is $25 per person, which includes pizza, wings, beer, wine 和 soft drinks. 所有注册者必须年满21岁. 可能需要提供身份证明. 


  • 萨拉托加赛马场的美好一天

    校友 和 friends are invited to gather along the rail for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Feel the ground shake as the horses round the final turn 和 race toward the finish line. Witness the thrilling crack of the whip 和 the thoroughbreds' incredible acceleration as jockeys compete for position. 欢迎亲朋好友光临! 费用是每人50美元. 



LIVE from the 'Skeller: A Chat with President Gingerich

视图 President Jeff Gingerich's campus update from the 'Skeller. President Gingerich discusses his first year as university president 和 the challenges that higher education faces. (你需要这个密码:q#Fn1Cu%)


视图 the 掌握学生贷款偿还网络研讨会 hosted by Betsy Gingerich to hear important information regarding student loan repayment 和 tips 和 tricks to make it an easy experience. (你需要这个密码:@*3#dFu.)


1861年4月, 25-year-old Sam Clemens (alias Twain) was “livin’ large” in New Orleans 和 working his dream job as a riverboat pilot. And then, in the blink of an eye, his life changed forever. With the outbreak of the Civil War, the Mississippi River closed to commerce. 山姆失去了赚钱的事业, 和, 有点胆怯的, feared that if he stayed in New Orleans he would be coerced to join either the Union or Confederate Navy. 该怎么做? 观看吉姆的虚拟演讲 to learn about Sam’s next five years including his experiences in the wild west, 与不法之徒发生冲突, 他的快速致富计划, 和 how he accidentally became the most famous man in America. (你需要这个密码:bk!?Z1qz)

Leaving a Legacy through Planned Giving: April 14, 2021

An 非正式的讨论 鲍勃·基南, ‘74, 计划捐赠的副主任, 和乔·弗拉纳根, ’74, 校友服务总监. Bob walks through some of the basic steps we all need to be aware of when creating or updating our estate plan. (你需要这个密码:BDP0^A1k)

漂亮的 Basketball Trivia Night: March 17, 2021

Test your 漂亮的 knowledge during this fun 和 informal 虚拟问答之夜 covering a wide range of men's basketball facts. 汤姆獬鸫, SBU的首席通讯官, 和迈克·瓦卡罗, '89, 《纽约邮报》首席体育专栏作家, served as co-hosts sharing the answers 和 fun facts. (你需要这个密码:Bonnie$#1)

卫生职业学院更新:2月. 23, 2021

创始院长道格拉斯·皮萨诺博士.D. 提供预览 of the major exterior 和 interior renovations to Francis Hall, 包括新教室, 高科技实验室, 和 offices for the School of Health Professions. (你需要这个密码:%giFf*j8)

欢乐时光:2月11日. 4, 2021

格兰特's 最后的 Battle: 圣ory Behind The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. 格兰特

Facing financial ruin 和 struggling against terminal throat cancer, Ulysses S. 格兰特 fought his last battle to preserve the meaning of the American Civil War. His war of words, The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. 格兰特, would cement his place as not only one of America's greatest heroes but also as one of its most sublime literary voices. 观看克里斯的虚拟演讲 based on his book 格兰特's 最后的 Battle: 圣ory Behind the Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. 《全球网赌十大网站》,萨瓦斯·比提出版. (你需要这个密码:PPfR81Z$)

虚拟啤酒品尝 & 啤酒厂之旅:12月. 3, 2020

享受一个快乐的时间在家里观看 虚拟啤酒品尝和啤酒厂之旅 由1981年的约翰·罗尔巴赫领导,他是 罗尔巴赫酿酒公司(您将需要这个密码:v12!0+KV)

Bona Trivia 2020: 10月. 21, 2020

If you missed our first-ever 虚拟问答之夜, presented on Zoom, it's 可以在这里. (您将需要这个密码:s*$MF0!c)


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