St. Bonaventure University

Your gift makes the difference


Students show initiative

确定管理非活动记录的方法不在他的工作范围内, but Jacob Brockel, a junior Accounting major from Allegany, New York, tackled the problem anyway.

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SWOB serve hundreds in DR medical mission


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Alumnus Chris Ekimoff is stalwart supporter

对克里斯·艾奇莫夫(Chris Ekimoff)来说,支持大学和下一代是自然而然的事情.

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Rebecca Schneider & 真正的

丽贝卡·施耐德在博纳工作了很长时间. That's why she's thrilled to study here today.

Learn more about Rebecca Schneider

Mulryans leave their mark

“I wouldn’t change a thing.” This is how Prof. Sandra Mulryan总结了她在圣. Bonaventure University.

Learn more about the Mulryans and 真正的

Creating a "wow" factor


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Reflecting on his time at SBU

无论是在教室里还是在徒步旅行的路上. Peter Schneible, O.F.M.他把注意力集中在当下以及与他人分享的意义上.

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Studying abroad is eye-opener

对23岁的伊丽莎白·伊根(Elizabeth Egan)来说,在意大利留学是一段不可思议的经历.

Learn more about Elizabeth

Amping up athletic abilities

准备、练习和耐心的三位一体对St. Bonaventure golfer Lance Sininger, '23.

Learn more about Lance

Fulbright Scholar

Dr. Iulian Mihai Damian, 他是罗马尼亚人,巴贝斯-博利亚大学的高级讲师和助理教授, 在研究休假期间利用了方济各会研究所的收藏.

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From Austria to 真正的

St. Bonaventure足球守门员Chiara Gottinger,她在奥地利一个活跃的户外家庭长大.

Learn more about Chiara

Breaking through barriers

大四的Deandre (Dre) Allen决心冲破一切障碍,达到他对成功的定义.

Learn more about Deandre

Seeking every opportunity

Beyond being a full-time student and athlete, 格里芬·维特正在从他在圣. Bonaventure University.

Learn more about Griffin

Launching a career

计算机科学和网络安全双学位学生Emma Stoeckle提前毕业后在福特汽车公司找到了一份工作.

Learn more about Emma

A bright future


Learn more about Karolina

Dr. 宝拉 Scraba, O.S.F., champions others

为博士. 宝拉 Scraba, O.S.F.她是一位体育副教授,她认为支持他人是一种生活方式.

Learn more about Dr. 宝拉

Maydonovitch siblings fund research

从博纳大学毕业后,我享受着有回报的职业生涯, 兄弟姐妹科琳和丹尼尔·梅多诺维奇现在正在建立一个化学研究奖学金.

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Cassidey Kavathas & 真正的

"I like to consider my path to 真正的 unique," said Cassidey Kavathas, 谁在申请之前就被社区接纳了.

Learn more about Cassidey Kavathas

Jack Steger & 真正的

你得快点跟上杰克·斯蒂格. 这个市场营销和管理双学位,辅修体育管理,让博纳的每一刻都很重要.

Learn more about Jack Steger

Jamie Peace: A strong Bona/Friar bond

杰米·皮斯还是个孩子的时候就发现了SBU和修士会. “现在,”他说,“我的家庭是非常博纳修士的家庭."

Learn more about Jamie Peace

Kathy Boser nourishes family atmosphere

Jandoli的Kathy Boser在36年多的时间里营造了一种家庭氛围. 对许多人来说,她是博纳价值观的化身.

Learn more about Kathy Boser

Revealing the divine through art

Master iconographer Br. Robert Lentz, O.F.M., is a retired friar living at the St. Bonaventure Friary. His innovative icons are known worldwide.

Learn more about Br. Robert Lentz, O.F.M.

真正的: Worth It

“Being able to study at St. 博纳旺蒂尔值得一切,”全球网赌十大网站系大四学生杰里米·卡斯特罗说. 他很珍惜在这里遇到的好朋友和好老师.

Learn more about Jeremy Castro

Standing out at 真正的

如果让MBA候选人玛丽•韦尔奇(Mary Welch)用一个词来形容她在博纳的经历,那就是增长. “增长一直是我在博纳文蒂尔工作期间的亮点,”她说.

Learn more about Mary Welch

Finding Purpose at 真正的

Connections and relationships. 这些都是生活中最重要的东西,圣霍普金斯大学公共卫生专业大四学生克林顿·阿富尔(Clinton Afful)说. Bonaventure.

Learn more about Clinton Afful

Saying yes to opportunity

Taylore Lunger, 4+1工商管理硕士专业会计课程研究生, 在博纳学会了走出她的舒适区.

Learn more about Taylore Lunger

A dream come true

如果说詹妮弗·兰多有什么生活准则的话,那就是一切都不晚. 现年46岁的他于2020年12月毕业,获得体育学士学位.

Learn more about Jennifer Landow

A will to lead


Learn more about Norb Bennett


Mother of seven, 代课教师兼全日制学生拉多娜·弗伦德施知道“忙”这个词的含义.

Learn more about LaDonna Freundschuh

Teaching: A chance to change the world

For Logan Abplanalp, 全纳特殊教育硕士课程为他在不断变化的教育领域打开了大门.

Learn more about Logan Abplanalp

真正的 strong bonds matter

MBA候选人丽贝卡·利舍夫斯基(Rebekah Liszewski)认为,牢固的#博纳家庭关系帮助她充分发挥了自己的潜力.

Learn more about Rebekah Liszewski

Shining bright in familiar Bona territory

“Do your work, get educated and have fun.这些是即将提前毕业的高级网络安全专业学生亚当·欧文的信条.

Learn more about Adam Irwin

Finding her place

For senior Priscilla Contreras, 她从布朗克斯(Bronx)来到博纳学院(Bona’s),主修的是一个没有申报的专业,与校园没有任何联系,这感觉就像“昨天发生的事”.

Learn more about Priscilla Contreras

Cheering at 真正的

为布拉德福德大学的校友布里安娜·古德尔(Brianna Goodell)助威是她毕生的运动, 谁从四岁开始就喜欢这项运动.

Learn more about Brianna Goodell

A legacy of possibility

哈格斯特罗姆一家正在用奖学金来纪念他们母亲的“可能性遗产”. 即将升学的大三学生亨特·埃伦伯格是本学期的获奖者.

了解更多关于Chris Hagstrom和Hunter Ehrenberg的信息

Instrumentation suite gives students an edge

Bona students gain hands-on, 就业技能,同时进行高质量的研究-这一切都归功于现代化的仪器实验室.

Learn more about the instrumentation suite

The Road Taken

As he looks back at a successful & 泰瑞·摩根(Terry Morgan), 68届毕业生,他知道自己选择了一条正确的道路. Bonaventure.


Investing in the future

他在华尔街做了一名成功的高管,50多岁时提前退休, John Deignan, '65, has since spent his time paying it forward.


Empowered by 真正的

Jessie Briggs Joyce, Ph.D., points to her time at St. 博纳旺蒂尔是她成功的关键因素.

Learn more about Jessie's time at 真正的