St. Bonaventure University

News, Publications & Research

    Mar 16, 2023 | Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, 被邀请为康拉德·洛伦兹大学的心理学博士生做虚拟和面对面的演讲, Bogotá, Colombia, South America, 通过多元文化咨询与发展协会, a division of the American Counseling Association.

    Mar 09, 2023年|教授晋升和一位退休教授的荣誉地位已经由博士宣布. 约瑟夫·齐默(Joseph Zimmer)是圣何塞大学教务长兼学术事务副校长. Bonaventure University.

    Mar 06, 2023年,健康科学专业大三学生雅各布·舍伯尔(Jacob Schoeberl)参加圣·琼斯大学的垒球比赛时,并不知道自己即将拯救一条生命. 2022年春天,博纳旺图尔大学的马拉田径场地.

    Feb 24, 2023 | Dr. Daekyun Oh, assistant professor of physical education, 在国际高等教育运动机能学杂志(IJKHE)上发表了一篇研究论文。.

    Feb 24, 2023 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, 教育学副教授、教育领导主任(高级学校管理准备), 在一本即将出版的名为《全球网赌十大网站》的书中撰写一章的提议被接受了." (In Kutsyuruba, B. & Kochan, F., Eds.. 《全球网赌十大网站》,资讯时代出版社.)

    Feb 11, 2023 | Qualitative research by Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, 关于哥伦比亚跨国被收养者与亲生家庭团聚的报告发表在《全球网赌十大网站》上, 一本国际同行评议的杂志,专门处理与收养有关的学术问题.

    Feb 11, 2023 | Dr. Scott Simpson,化学副教授和系主任,博士. 马修·汉森,量子化学博士后研究员,博士. Adam Brown, professor of elementary education, and Chola Kondeti, alumnus of SBU, 发表了《全球网赌十大网站》, Vibrational Frequencies, 和势能表面”被接受发表在化学教育杂志上.

    Feb 11, 2023 | Dr. Heidi L. Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, 与人合著了一篇名为《全球网赌十大网站》的文章! 《全球网赌十大网站》发表在《全球网赌十大网站》杂志上, a peer-reviewed academic journal.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Margaret Hindman, assistant professor of counselor education, 他和同事们将于本月在2022年咨询创意协会会议的虚拟部分做一个一小时的演讲.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Pamina Abkowitz, assistant professor of childhood education, participated in a panel discussion for OCALICON, an online autism and disabilities conference.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Daekyun Oh, assistant professor of physical education, 在国际高等教育运动机能学杂志(IJKHE)上发表了一篇研究论文。.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Scott Simpson,化学副教授和系主任,以及Scott Simpson博士. Adam Brown, professor of elementary education, 以及布法罗大学的研究人员, Daemen University, and Jamestown Community College, 他们的论文《全球网赌十大网站》发表在化学教育杂志上吗.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Nate Smith, assistant professor of counselor education, presented a webinar titled "I'm here, I'm Queer, but I'm not used to it: Internalized Homophobia & 《全球网赌十大网站》,为情感学会撰写, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE), a division of the American Counseling Association.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, 教育学副教授和教育领导项目主任, has submitted a book manuscript for publication: "The Essentials of Finance for School Leaders: A Practical Handbook for Problem-solving and Meeting Challenges;" Bynoe, T., Bounds, S. & Martinez, D.G. (Rowman & Littlefield).

    Nov 30, 2022 | Students at St. 博纳文图尔大学在第84届纽约州卫生协会年会上发表了这一研究成果, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, held Nov. 18日在纽约维罗纳的Turning Stone会议中心举行.

    Nov 18, 2022 | The School of Education's Dr. Kathryn Andrews, assistant professor; Dr. Adam Brown, professor; and Dr. René Hauser, associate professor and school dean, presented at the American Evaluation Conference, Nov, 9-11.

    Nov 18, 2022 | In November, Dr. Margaret Hindman, assistant professor of counselor education, 和她的同事们制作了一张海报,标题为“通过游戏治疗培养咨询师的身份和文化意识”,在巴尔的摩举行的2022年南方咨询师教育与监督协会(SACES)会议上,同事们提出了这一观点, Maryland.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Heidi L. Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, 在匹兹堡举行的北大西洋地区辅导员教育和监督协会区域会议上展示了两张海报, Pennsylvania.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Drs. Susan Branco, Jan Gay and Nathaniel Mason, professors of counselor education, 在巴尔的摩举行的南方咨询师教育协会(SACES)会议上发表, Maryland.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Nate Smith, assistant professor of counselor education, 在达拉斯举行的德克萨斯州咨询协会专业成长会议上发表了“走钢丝:反lgbtqia青年立法和咨询对实践的影响”, Texas.